I am able to offer the following models made from my own masters and vacuum cast in polyurethane resin:
LNER GE East Anglian 6-car Set complete with Streamlined B17/5
GNR-NE/LNER Restaurant Set Dia. 10/11
GNR/LNER Leeds Quint 5-car Set
The following LNER 61'6" Corridor Stock:
LNER Twin Sleeper First Dia. 18/19
LNER Corridor Sleeper First Dia. 157
LNER Corridor Locker Composite Dia. 8
LNER Corridor Composite Dia.7
LNER Resturant Car Either Class Dia. 267
LNER Semi Open First DIA. 5
LNER Pantry Car Dia. 15
LNER Resturant Third Dia. 264
The following LNER/GE 52'6" Stock:
Corridor First Dia. 140
Corridor Composite Dia. 9
Open First Dia. 197
Open Third Dia. 182
Open Brake Third Dia. 217
Open Third Dia. 216.
LNER 4- wheel Pigeon Van Dia. 120
GNR Quads
Hertford Quads
Buffet Restaurant Car Dia. 275
Prices are upon application but as a guidance, I would normally charge from £35 for supplying and building a simple four wheel van.
See illustration above.
Each of us has the power to effect the world in a positive way. We waste nothing.
My models are made to order, your order and the best does take a little time.
Anything we build for you comes with a satisfaction guarantee.